Friday, June 9, 2017

Questions about Final

1. The message behind my project is fro students to get a sense that doing what they think is the right decision for the is good.  Understanding that they don't always have to follow what other people are saying. they can do what they want to do. they don't always have to please everyone they know.  Students should do something that interest them and improves there future

2. Inorder to read my message they will have to open an envelope and then unfold each little message.

3. My color scheme for my project I used contrasting colors to make things stand out like the mountain. Then for the words i tried to copy the colors that were in the mountain. I used colors that stood out and that would be eye catching.

4. My emphasis of my project is the word quit. I wanted to get the point across that students should quit doing the 5 little saying now.

Friday, June 2, 2017

Model For Final Project

my idea for this project is having this message and it has five pieces to the message. it starts out as a big envelope and when you open is then they will see 5 individual message. 

Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Final Project Outline

i don't know my message yet but i was think of using like newspaper and recyclable objects to c read emu final project. the message could be use your resources the best way you can 

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Frankenstein Project Arrows

the arrows start with the middle creature then it goes to the deer up front then  those lead into the background. in the background is the three lions then the furthest one lead to the birds in the sky and then those lead to the middle lion all over again.

Juxtapose Challenge

This is for the desert and waterfall image.

This is for the wizard of oz image. 
I picked a desert and a waterfall because in the desert there is no water and its completely dry. I picked the desert and the waterfall because they are two opposite landscapes and they both really make each other stand out. 

I used the white and black image and the color image of this scene from the wizard of oz. i wanted to show how dull and not very full of life the black and white one was. Then show how the color one had more life to it and it looked more beautiful. i kind of wanted to show adding color to an image could make it more interesting to the viewer.